Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I want red

Yesterday, my wife and I went to the Duty Free Shop (DFS) at Scotts Road somewhere in Orchard. It's a duty free shop where any one can go in and shop at duty free prices. Anyway, my wife said she wanted to buy a bag from the DFS because she has a DFS card which gives her a 15% discount on top of existing discounts (if any).

Kristian is already asleep when we parked the car so we put him in the stroller so he can continue his sleep while we walk around the shop. It wasn't a very long sleep because he was already awake even before my wife paid for the bag. He was probably hungry because the first thing he asked for is milk. So we stopped at one corner and gave him milk. After he finished drinking the milk, we started walking again and we passed by the Burberry store.

My wife said she wants to check out some t-shirts so we went inside the store (Kristian was still in his stroller). While my wife is looking for some t-shirts to try on, I heard Kristian saying "I want red." There is a red leather sofa inside the store, I thought he wanted take a seat on the sofa so I let him out of the stroller. I told Kristian he can now go to the sofa and seat, but he's just standing right in front of me saying "I want red." So I asked him, "What red?"

Then he pointed to the red t-shirts that were on display at the same location where my wife is standing. So I told him, "Go to mama and tell her what you want." He walked towards my wife and I saw Kristian talking to my wife but I couldn't really hear what he's saying because I'm at the other end of the store.

The next thing we knew, Kristian is already talking to the sales lady. The sales lady is asking Kristian, "Do you want red t-shirt, polo?". Then Kristian nodded, "Uhum, I want red", pointed to his shirt "This is green, I want red" (he was wearing a green polo shirt yesterday). So the sales lady picked up a red polo from the children's corner and we let Kristian try it on. He was really excited trying on the polo with a big wide smile on his face and keeps saying the word red. Well, the red polo really does look good on him so we told the sales lady that we're going to take it.

Then my wife tried on some t-shirts until she finally decided on which one to buy. When we were about to leave the store, Kristian stopped me and asked, "Red?". So we showed him the red polo inside the bag to let him know that we bought the red polo. After seeing the polo, he gladly sat in his stroller then we walked away from the store. It was already late in the afternoon so we decided to head back to the parking lot and drive back home.