Thursday, September 6, 2007

2 more days to go

Only 2 more days to go before I watch 'Hi-5 in Expo'. Papam said we will go and watch Hi-5 on Saturday. He asked me to count 1-2-3 from today. When I reach 3, that means it's time to watch Hi-5. So today is 1, tomorrow is 2 and 3 is Saturday. I am very excited to watch Hi-5. The other day we went to the John Little Mega Expo sale also in Expo, and I saw a lot of kids with Hi-5 balloons. Papam said we will not yet buy the Hi-5 balloon and toys because we haven't watched Hi-5 yet. But he said we will buy the Hi-5 balloon and toys after we watch Hi-5 on Saturday. When we got back to the house, mama took out my old Hi-5 balloon and put some air in it. So I play with this Hi-5 balloon for now until I get a a new one on Saturday.

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