Friday, March 14, 2008

"Pampers are for babies"

Yesterday, papa and I bought my first set of briefs. I told papa and mama that I am not wearing pampers anymore because 'pampers are for babies.' I am already a big boy. I wanted a Buzz Light Year briefs but all we can find are Superman and Batman. I also like Superman so papa bought me both Superman and Batman.

From now on, I am not wearing pampers in the house and at school. Sometimes papa asks me to wear pampers when we go to the mall because it's not easy to find a toilet anywhere.

At night, I would wake up papa to help me go to the toilet so I would not wet my bed.

This morning I wore a gray Batman brief to school. Papa said to remind my teacher to put the brief back in my bag after taking my bath.

It's Friday today, I think I'll ask papa to buy a toy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Krisitian, you are a big boy now! On June 25, you will be 4 years old already. God bless!

Love& Kisses